Update: Work produced in class has been added below.

A large part of my painting practice involves looking through my photostream to reconnect with moments from the past. Last year, I noticed that over the years I’ve taken a lot of photographs of people covering their faces, with masks or other headgear. I started making some paintings from them, but then got into something else, and the project remains unfinished.

I made a small list of artists, past and present, who had also made work showing people in disguise. I posted them on Instagram, and people responded with their own suggestions too. I’ve included some below.
On a similar subject, John Stezeker is currently showing at The Approach Gallery in London until September 28th and, further afield, Hannah Hoch at Lower Belvedere in Vienna until October 6th.
On the learning section of this website, I’ve just added some relevent resources from the past, including ‘Eerie and Mysterious‘, Trickster Figures, and Surreal and Strange.
And finally, Surrealism turns 100 this year so the Guardian have listed their ’10 best surrealist trips for art lovers’.

Self portrait work produced in class (90 min challenge)