Film Stills

Written by Paul Regan, ©

‘For his fascinating series “Favorites” (2013-2015), German artist Jan-Hendrik Pelz asked 66 artists to tell him their favorite film and give an arbitrary series of numbers as a time code. He then stopped the films at the relevant point and converted the resulting unforeseeable stills into oil paintings.’ (Extract from

Below are some more images by artists who have made works depicting, or giving the impression of, a moment in a film or programme on television. You can click each of the images for more information about the artists.

Peter Doig – Canoe-Lake
Friday 13th

Rose Wylie – Kill Bill (Film Notes)
Kill Bill

Annette Fernando – Susie, As Always, Is Free To Say Anything She Wants

Josie McCoy – Jim Royle 3
The Royle Family

Luc Tuymans – Still
Mulholland Drive

Cindy Sherman – Untitled Film Stills #21

Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum – It will end in tears (Scene 3)

Tacita Dean – FILM stills