News from the studio (20.9.24)

Newsletter #3 of the autumn term 2024. Sign up to receive all newsletters via email.

Tracey Emin – White Cube Bermondsey

There’s been lots of lovely late summer sun in North London this week! In the studio, I’ve continued to battle with watercolour, working towards Monday’s Royal Watercolour Society submission deadline. Hopefully I’ll be able to share the work that I’ll be showing in next week’s newsletter.

In my painting classes on Wednesday, students worked to the brief; ‘Make a painting of the art class in a Cubo Futurist style’. Students initially made charcoal drawings of the interior, overlaying two slightly different viewpoints to incorporate Cubist ideas, then, manipulated their compositions to add the dynamism of Futurism. I’ve added some of the great results to last week’s blog post

I’ve put together some learning notes for next week’s theme; ‘Disguise’. I’ve also uploaded some relevant notes on surreal themes to my learning resources page. If you know of anyone who you think might benefit from these resources, especially art teachers, please forward the link to them.

I had a great day with my Studio Fridays mentees last Friday and look forward to seeing them again today. They’re producing lots of fascinating work for their art fair at the end of October. I’ve added the work of three more Studio Fridays artists, and a flyer, to the bottom of this newsletter.

On Wednesday evening, I went to Bermondsey Street for a couple of Private Views; Tracey Emin’s big show of new work at White Cube and a smaller show, part one of the London Group’s ‘Stillness in Movement’ at the Bermondsey Project Space. The highlight of the evening for me though was looking into Eames Fine Art at works by Norman Ackroyd, who passed away just two days before. I have always admired Ackroyd’s work. His episode was my favourite from from the BBC series, What Do Artists Do All Day

And a few quick links:

Having tried to paint the feeling of the night in the past, I enjoyed reading Sam Haselby’s essay about some of the ways our minds and bodies change when it’s dark. It reminded me that I put this Pinterest board together seven years ago, with artists, artworks and films that inspired my practice at the time. 

Last week I mentioned the deadline for the British Art Prize. If you would like to know about other competitions and open exhibitions, have a look at the websites of the OListParker Harris, and the Mall Galleries.

Van Gogh has just opened at the National Gallery, mostly to very good reviews. The reviews on Front Row were mixed. With Monet’s exhibition opening at the Courtauld Gallery on the 27th, who will win the battle of the giants this autumn? Get your tickets now!

And finally, I always enjoy reading ‘This Much I Know’ in the Observer. Last Sunday featured artist Julian Opie

Have a great weekend

Paul Regan


i.  @paulregan

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Studio Fridays Art Fair
31st October – 3rd November 2024

Raina Goran – Charring Cross Station II
Victoria Perloff – KKA Twiggs
Dawn Limbert