Tag: Mall Galleries

  • Gently Out of Time

    Gently Out of Time

    In 2021 I made a photobook titled ‘Gently Out of Time’ and had just one copy printed. It contained over fifty pairs of photographs selected from the 17000 stored on my laptop and phone. Each pair of photographs were chosen because, for one reason or another, they felt like they belonged together, despite being taken…

  • A fantastic first half of the year for Studio Fridays artists

    A fantastic first half of the year for Studio Fridays artists

    Mentoring my Studio Fridays artists gets more and more exciting every year. There have been so many exciting success stories. In the first half of this year, to list just a few, Studio Fridays artists have had their work shown at the Royal Academy, Mall Galleries and Affordable Art Fair, they have been prize winners,…