
Written by Paul Regan, © Insight School of Art

Monet’s Haystacks

Here’s a 30 minute film I found interesting (I watched it on x1.5 speed)
and a book I recommend for new painters.

Georgio de Chirico – Mystery and Melancholy of a Street – 1914
Estorick Collection of Italian Art, London
William Nicholson – Pink Peonies – 1913
Nicholson introduces a theatricality that adds intrigue and drama to this seemingly simple scene.
Patrick Caufield – Wall Lamp – 1994
The Tate’s Light and Dark Cousework Guide
Tim Noble and Sue Webster – Wild Mood Swings – 2009 – 2010
Very interesting 2.5 min film
Cornelia Parker – Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View – 1991
More info

Lesson ideas